The best way to contact us for a new project is our Get a Quote Form. Honestly, we cant help you very well without details. We’ve found that if you provide the details first, and then let us review and get back to you, it will save us both alot of time. From there, we will be glad to help answer any questions, or help you decide the best materials and products.
We’re proud to offer phone support during our regular business hours. It’s one of those things that sets Impact Signs apart from the competition.
Normal Business Hours:
9 AM – 5:30 PM CST Monday-Friday.
We try to respond to all requests within 24 -48 hours. If you do not hear from us by then, and you need your signage by a specific date, please follow up with a phone call. If you have a rush need, please do not hesitate to call us.
Showroom, Production Facility, and Mailing Address:
Impact Corporate Signs
26 E. Burlington Ave.
LaGrange, IL 60525
Phone: +1 (708) 887-9853